


MÖ 1. bin Mezopotamya tarihine Yeni Asur Devleti damga vurmu?tur. Özellikle III. Tiglat-pileser döneminde idari alanda ba?layan reformist hareketler ordu içerisinde de devam ettirilmi?tir. Bu dönemde daimi orduya geçen Yeni Asur Devleti her bölgeye sefer düzenleyebilecek profesyonel askerlerden olu?an bir yap?ya kavu?mu?tu. Bu güçlü ordu sayesinde Asur devleti geni? co?rafyalarda egemenlik sahas? kazanm?? ve büyük bir imparatorluk halini alm??t?r. ?mparatorlu?un geni? s?n?rlar? Mezopotamya’dan Anadolu’ya, ?ran’dan Akdeniz’e hatta M?s?r ülkesine kadar ula?m??t?r. Yaz?tlar ve rölyefler gibi arkeolojik buluntulardan anla??ld??? kadar?yla farkl? birliklerden olu?an ve say?lar? yüzbinleri bulan Yeni Asur ordusu krallar?n komutas?nda ekonomik kayg? ve siyasi üstünlük amac?yla farkl? co?rafyalarda i?gal hareketlerine giri?mi?lerdir. Özellikle dönemin önemli hammadde kaynaklar?n?n bulundu?u ve ticari bir merkez konumunda olan M?s?r ülkesi, geli?mi? bir te?kilat yap?s?na sahip olan Yeni Asur ordusunun ilk hedeflerinden birisi olmu?tur. Bu çal??mam?zda Yeni Asur Devleti’nin M?s?r politikas?n? ele almaya çal??aca??z. "The New Assyrian State has left its mark on the Mesopotamian history of the 1st millennium BC. Especially during the period of III. Tiglat-pileser, the reformist movements, which began in the administrative field, were continued in the army. The new Assyrian State, which had entered the permanent army during this period, had a structure composed of professional soldiers who could organize operation to each region. Thanks to this powerful army, the Assyrian state gained dominance in large geographies and became a great empire. The vast borders of the Empire reached from Anatolia to Mesopotamia, from Iran to the Mediterranean and even to Egypt. Archaeological finds such as inscriptions and reliefs from the archaeological findings of different units and hundreds of thousands of new Assyrian army under the command of kings commanded the occupation movement in different geographies for the purpose of economic anxiety and political superiority. Egypt, which is a commercial center with important raw material resources of the period, became one of the first targets of the New Assyrian army with an advanced organizational structure. In this study, we will try to address the policy of the Neo-Assyrian State in Egypt."

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Keywords: Mezopotamya, Yeni Asur, III. Tiglat-pileser, Ordu, M?s?r. "Mesopotamia, New Assyrian, III. Tiglat-pileser, Army, Egypt


EISSN: 2667-7059

EOI/DOI: 10.33469/oannes.3

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