

The Chinese Development Policies: An Empirical Analysis of Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate & Human Development, from the Post-Independence Regime to Xi Jinping’s Era

The Chronicles of China in terms of its domestic development, as well as other development initiatives that transcend its territorial boundaries but under its championship has created a burning discourse among scholarships, experts, policy deciders and advisors at the state, regional and international level. This call for an empirical study on the various Chinese development policies since its post-independence regime to the contemporaneous leadership of President Xi Jinping. With this in mind, the study focused on the internalization of China’s development by finding the effect of its Gross Domestic Product growth rate on the human development of Chinese citizens. The study used Karl Pearson’s method of calculating for correlational coefficient to make an empirical analysis. The empirical result depicted, that there is a negative correlation between Chinese Gross Domestic Product growth rate and its human development. Based on this empirical outcome, the study concluded that the rising Gross Domestic Product growth rate of China does not have any significant effect on the lives of Chinese citizens as hypothesized by the pro - Chinese scholarships.

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Keywords: Beijing Consensus, Development Policy, Human Development, Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate, State-Owned Enterprises, Washington Consensus.

ISSN: 2581-5997

EISSN: 2581-5997


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