

Clinical Correlation of Differential CD4 T Cells Count with Malaria Among HIV Positive Patients

Background: It is logical to assume that HIV positive subjects are more at risk to malaria infection than HIV negative subjects. Objective: The objective of this comparative cross-sectional study is to determine malaria infection in HIV positive and HIV negative subjects, and relate malaria infection to differential CD4 T cell counts in subjects who are infected with HIV. Method: Giemsa staining technique was used to stain thin and thick blood film of consenting HIV positive and HIV negative controlled subjects, and observed under the microscope for the presence of malaria parasites. A positive test to malaria was defined as the presence of malaria parasites irrespective of species and density. CD4 T cell analysis was carried out on HIV positive subjects, using the Partec cyflow machine following the standard operating procedure. Result: Among the two hundred and ten (210) HIV positive subjects, 10(4.8%) were positive for malaria. Out of the one hundred (100) HIV negative control subjects, 3(3%) were positive for malaria. Malaria recorded 6(2.9%) positive in CD4 counts ? 300 cells /µl, 3(1.4%) positive in CD4 counts 301-833 cells /µl, 1(0.5%) in CD4 counts 834-1365 cells / µl, and 0(0%) in CD4 counts 1366+ cells /µl. We analyzed our findings using the SPSS version 21 and results show there was no significant difference in malaria infection between HIV infected and HIV noninfected subjects. Nonetheless, we also observed that 6 out of the 10 malaria positive subjects were those whose CD4 counts were ? 300 cells /µl. This may suggest that either malaria or low CD4 Counts affects the outcome of the other. Conclusion: Our findings statistically revealed that was no significant difference in malaria infection between HIV infected subjects and HIV negative control subjects.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: CD4 Count, HIV, Malaria

ISSN: 1116-1043



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