

Medical laboratory scientists and the Public Health Laboratory Commodity Supply Chain Management in Nigeria

Background The job of the Public health supply chain is to manage the Public health laboratory commodities from production to service delivery point. This study analyzed Public health laboratory commodity supply chain management in Nigeria and the role of medical laboratory scientists. Methods: Literatures were obtained from Global Health and PubMed databases; USAID Deliver Project and other relevant websites using Eldis search engine. The conceptual framework for analysing public health laboratory supply chain management in Nigeria and the role of medical laboratory scientists was adapted from USAID Deliver Project Logistics Cycle framework. Findings: Non-medical laboratory scientists dominated Public health laboratory supply chain management in Nigeria. At the federal and state ministries of health, supply chain management of Public health commodities (Pharmaceuticals and Laboratory supplies) were domicile in the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services. Weak human resource capacity, poor supply/demand management, inadequate funding/infrastructure as well as professional interferences were found to affect laboratory commodity supply chain management. Conclusion: Robust laboratory supply chain management ensures commodity security with an overall impact on quality of care. The Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria, Medical Laboratory Scientists, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders should ensure management of laboratory supplies by experts

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Laboratory, Supply Chain Management, Nigeria

ISSN: 1116-1043



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