Intracranial ependymomas are tumors derived from ependymal cells. In addition to the problems of excision posed by their location, intracranial ependymomas have a prognosis that is difficult to define because of the risk of recurrence or neurological dessimination at a distance from the initial focus. We report a clinical case of a patient operated in 2009 of an ependymoma grade II in right temporal, reoperated in 2014 for a grade III anaplastic ependymoma in the sacral region. This case has been studied in order to draw attention to this particular secondary localization of intracranial ependymoma.
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Author Name: Bekralas H
Keywords: intracranial ependymomas; dessimination; schwanoma
EISSN: 2578-8868
EOI/DOI: 10.31579/2578-8868/048
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