

Boosting Innovative Work Behavior in Organizations Through Absorptive Capacity

The knowledge-based economies created by the ever globalizing world have created new needs for companies. Extreme competition has made companies more demanding and more ambitious in terms of reaching and new using information. At this point, absorptive capacity, which means the capacity of organizations to recognize, acquire and use new external information, has gained great importance. Companies with high absorptive capacities can access external information sources more easily, and they can more easily assimilate their acquired knowledge and work more effectively, efficiently and innovatively. In this study, it has been predicted that the innovative work behavior of the employees will be greatly affected by the absorptive capacity. And the effects of the sub-dimensions of this capacity on the innovative business behavior were examined. In order to test this research model, a field research is applied in Istanbul on 190 whitecollar workers with face-to-face surveys. Results of the survey have been analyzed by SPSS 22.0. Results of the study showed that all subdimensions of absorptive capacity positively effect innovative work behavior.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Absorptive Capacity, Innovative Capacity, Innovative Work Behavior

ISSN: 2687-2609

EISSN: 2687-2609


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