The existence of an online mode of transportation has attracted consumers’ attention, and therefore many switches from the use of conventional to the online mode of transportation. The switch has become a trigger of conflict between drivers of conventional transportation, such as city transportation (angkot), taxi, motorbike (bentor), rickshaw (ojek pangkalan), and drivers of online transportation, such as Grab and Go-Jek. This artikel is focused on the existence and the conflict between these two modes of transportations in Kota Makassar. It was found that online transportation has become an alternative of transportation for the society for a number of reasons: practicality, transparency, trustworthiness, security, insurance, features, discount and promotion rates, as well as new employment/part-time opportunities. The existence of online-based transportation has caused a conflict between the two. On one side, online transportation is considered to facilitate drivers and their passengers. On the other side, online transportation got criticized by drivers of conventional transportation due to the fact that the latter is being marginalized by the former. The conflict between the two is commonly base on operating lisence, the colour of vehicle plate that significantly impacted on payment of taxes, passengers’ recruitment base, and competitive online transportation rates. The rate has becomeone of the advantages of online transportation as well as one of the sources of conflicts between conventional and online transportation.
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Author Name: Ahsani Amelia Anwar
Keywords: Transportation; konventional; application; online; drivers; consumer; conflict.
ISSN: 2527-9319
EISSN: 2548-9747
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