Digital media in the 21st century has become obsessive communication tool and medium of young
population. In an age of global information and communication the strategy of societies based on
knowledge that permanently generate millions of information in order to improve competitiveness is
promoted. In this context, in the R. Macedonia last decade is promoting the need to provide resources
and infrastructure to ensure uninterrupted availability of the Internet and other digital media to online
servicing the needs of citizens and business community. In this regard the National Strategy for
Information Society Development is created in which an integral part also is e-education. That
shifted the paradigm in terms of actualization of the need to integrate information technology at all
levels of education in the process of acquiring new knowledge aimed at building a society based on
knowledge and competitive business environment. The current situation regarding the new approach
to using information technology in the teaching process of acquisition of knowledge is not
satisfactory. Despite the implemented projects to train teachers to use ICT in teaching resistance to
innovation is an indisputable fact that enables application of learning based on the development of
projects, research, generating creative solutions that will contribute to the active involvement of the
youth in the process of learning in which they should be active entity and by using information
technology in the learning process will acquire the communications, information and social
competencies necessary for active and competitive involvement in the business community. Taking
into account the current situation in this scientific work subject is the application of ICT in the
process of formation and learning of young people. Phenomenon under study is the current situation
of young people in relation to the application of ICT. A problem which is investigating is the
improper use of ICT by young people.
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Author Name: Aleksandar Blazeski
Keywords: Social Life, Young People, Learning, Internet.
ISSN: 2582-2292
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