This study investigated the Influence of 5E teaching cycle on Attitude and Academic,
Performance of Chemistry Students of varied abilities in Mole Concepts among Senior
Secondary School in Zaria Educational Zone. A Quasi-experimental pretest and posttest research
design was used for the study which featured two groups (Experimental and Control group).
Sample sizes of 200 students selected from two secondary schools in Zaria Metropolis were used
as the study sample, drawn from a population of 11 schools with a total of 1154 students. The
two schools randomly selected, were selected after matching them, to find their equivalent
academically. The Instrument developed; Mole Concept Performance Test (MCPT) with a
reliability coefficient of 0.88 was used to collect data for pretest and posttest. The data collected
were analyzed using Analysis of Covariate (ANCOVA) and Kruscal Wallis test statistics at P?
0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that science (Chemistry) students
exposed to 5E teaching cycle in the teaching and learning of mole concepts in all the ability
levels had higher mean performance scores than those in the control group exposed to lecture
method of instruction. The attitude of the students in the experimental groups improved
significantly after exposure to 5E teaching cycle. Recommendations were made based on the
findings which is: The teaching of Chemistry particularly mole concept should be conducted
using 5E teaching cycle as it makes students learn meaningfully and help them to develop
positive attitude towards chemistry. It should therefore be incorporated into the main stream of
pedagogy in the teaching of Chemistry and other related Science subject in Zaria Education
zone, Kaduna, Nigeria.
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Author Name: Dr. Binta A. Muhammad , Dr. Efe M. Omwirhiren and Salisu Abubakar
Keywords: Entrepreneurship education, graduates employments,
ISSN: 2582-2292
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