The university institution arose in the Old World, at the moment at which the Europe of dogmas and
feudalism began its course in the direction of the Renaissance, whose mark was the knowledge and
scientific rationality evolution. It was, therefore, contemporary of transition from Mercantilism to
capitalism. In Brazil, the University emerged in the 19th century, with the arrival of the Portuguese
royal family who settled in the country and took as a model the German university proposed by
Humboldt. During the last two centuries, the Brazilian University has experienced significant
changes, especially from the Constitution of 1988 and measures adopted by the Government in the
second half of the decade of 1990. The opportunity of creation of new institutions of higher
education and the reorganization of those ones existing in the form of University Centers and
universities, the financing of courses for the least privileged population socioeconomically, programs
that increased the vacancies in public universities were responsible for the expansion of access to
higher education. To meet the increasing number of students, the Brazilian universities had to
organize its management system and proceed to the adoption of new pedagogical technologies. This
work, developed in the second decade of the 21st century, has as its objective to analyze the
expectations of managers and researchers from Higher Education Institutions (HEIS) regarding the
Brazilian and American innovation which will mark the future of these institutions in the next 10 to
20 years. An exploratory research was performed, which had as an instrument of data collection an
open interview, in which these subjects expressed their point of view. The interviews were recorded,
transcribed and their content encoded, defining categories that guided the results analysis. Regarding
to the planning and vision of the future, it seems that the Brazilian Higher Education Institutions are
concerned with the inclusion of new students and the promotion of resources to promote learning,
while in American universities, the proposal is focused on research, which shows a close relationship
with the business community and whose results support the teaching and extension. Regarding
innovation, the Brazilian and American institutions emphasized the technological innovation, both in
digital teaching practice as well as in management, pointing out, among other resources, the financial
control via artificial cognitive intelligence. It is also verified, that both in Brazilian universities as
well as in the U.S., the active methodologies were considered important for research production and
dissemination. It was also possible to verify that the internationalization represents a dominant trend
both in Brazil and in American universities, and derives from the economy globalization process,
which demanded the knowledge universalization. The survey, which studied a small number of institutions, can be complemented with studies that
address a larger number of managers and researchers from different units
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Author Name: Conardo Lima
Keywords: Universities, higher education institutions, organizations of the future, innovation, new management models, technologies for learning.
ISSN: 2582-2292
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