Organizations as social systems bear entropic characteristic, which is the tendency to wear off and
die, over time. However, this paper examined organizational change management as a conscious
tendency to negate possible entropy in organizations. The paper contends that organizational change
management is a resilience seeking behavior to ensure survival and effectiveness. It identifies
resistance to change as the most critical challenge in organizational change management. Resistance
occurs because every human cluster is a political arena where individuals self-serving seek to
superintend over others interest in the distribution of both advantages and disadvantages. The paper
reviewed the extent literature on change management, and contend that a management culture that
will evoke high employee engagement, involvement, pro-social behavior, commitment and ethically,
to reduce unconstructive resistance should be enthronedin the firm.
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Author Name: Dr. Continue Anddison Eketu* and Dr. (Mrs.) Christine Adaobi Nwuche
Keywords: Change Management, Change Resistance, Change Models, Change Agent, Resilient Seeking Behaviour and Organizational Entropy.
ISSN: 2582-2292
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