

Comparison of activated carbon and new granules based on gluten extracted binder: adsorption application and Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis is considered today as a method that is an integral part of each experiment and allows researchers to exploit their results and draw conclusions. Based on statistical analysis, this study focused on analyzing by the PCA method of the effect of some physicochemical properties of a new generation of granules with gluten and of a commercial activated carbon for the adsorption of a green malachite MG, and relationships between them were presented by regression analysis, also concerned the examination of the different relationships that may exist between these different properties. The achieved results indicated that the influence of granule size, porosity, pHzpc, cation exchange capacity CEC, and specific surface area SSA on the adsorption capacity of MG is better; the best removal efficiency was established at small size granules.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Adsorption, Binder, Dyes, Granules, Statistical analysis.

ISSN: 2661-7196

EISSN: 2661-7196


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