The purpose of stress meter is to assess the emotional pain of human being. The stress can cause hair to fall, acne to break out and many other problems. These manifestations of stress can cause even more anxiety. This stress monitor lets you assess your emotional pain. If the stress is very high, it gives visual indication through a light-emitting diode LED display along with warning beep. The gadget is small enough to be worn around the wrist. The LM3915 is a monolithic integrated circuit that senses analog voltage levels and drives ten LED's, LCD's or vacuum fluorescent displays, providing a logarithmic 3db/step analog display.
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Author Name: Sreevidya Sankar; Reshma Unnikrishnan; Rajalakshmi Menon
Keywords: Stress Meter, LED, Circuit Diagram, LCD
EISSN: 2455-5703
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