In this paper the faculty competencies, research leads student cognitive and collaborative learning techniques in the class room; supports to meet the current generation and future generation requirements with higher impact with the student development in educational institutions. The global idea of collaborative learning techniques in many ways interlinked with the quality of education and the community development. This will go a long way in the “designing of an optimal professional teaching mechanism” for colleges and Universities of Afar region, Ethiopia. This leads to contribute to student development while improving the knowledge as well as of the local community and society at large. The results indicate that collaborative learning is a cognitively and emotionally challenging learning process. The way in which group members share and develop their ideas depends on how actively they monitor their own and each other’s evolving understanding. However, monitoring cognitive activities as a group is only one part of effective and enjoyable learning. Methodologically, this study provides several process-oriented analysis schemas for analyzing cognitive activities within collaborative learning. Practically, this study offers teachers and educational professionals’ ideas for the design of collaborative learning environments. Further research is, however, needed to explore the collaborative learning characteristics of well- and poorly functioning groups.
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Author Name: Mekapotula Srinivasa Chakravarthi
Keywords: Faculty, Student, Collaborative Learning Techniques, Cognitive Activities, Quality of Education, Community and Research.
ISSN: 2707-5060
EISSN: 2707-5052
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