

Training Model in Interior Architecture: Learning in Experience

Education is one of the most important concepts to be considered in order to develop developing societies. The concept of learning has an important place in education which is a job of gaining knowledge and skills in a subject, raising and developing. Learning is the ability to create reactions and behaviors in response to certain situations and problems, to change them if necessary and to acquire new ones. Experiential learning is; it is a structuring towards educational experience, reflective observation from concrete experience, and then from abstract conceptualization to active experience. Within the scope of spatial perception, belongingness enables us to use the space more conveniently. In the design education, the participation of the workshops to the people leads to more qualified works. In this context, Selcuk University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, 2017-2018 Spring Semester, Building Project course with the 4th-grade students, faculty classrooms and workshops, interior design education in the context of learning and designed to practice propanol. Within the scope of the study, two different workshops, Z16 and 247, were designed and designed by the students. Workshops are designed based on the re-function of recycled materials and their use. The aim of the study is to transfer the knowledge remaining, in theory, to design practice in professional practice. As a result; undergraduate students had the opportunity to experience the process by applying the designs they thought. In addition, students learned to work as a team during design and implementation and developed their decision-making skills and sharing skills. Application; is an example to students, faculty, and visitors within and outside the discipline of interior architecture. Çal??ma kapsam?nda, Z16 ve 247 numaral? iki fakl? atölye, ö?renciler taraf?ndan kullan?m ihtiyaçlar? belirlenerek tasarlanm??, bu tasar?ma uygun olarak malzeme temin süreci ve uygulamas? gerçekle?mi?tir. Atölyeler, geri dönü?ümlü malzemelerin yeniden i?levlendirilerek, kullan?ma kazand?r?lmas? esas?na dayal? olarak tasarlanm??t?r. Çal??man?n amac? ise, tasar?m e?itiminde teorikte kalan bilgilerin, meslek prati?ine aktar?lmas?d?r. Sonuç olarak; lisans düzeyindeki ö?renciler, dü?ündükleri tasar?mlar? uygulayarak, süreci deneyimleme imkan? bulmu?lard?r. Ayr?ca ö?renciler tasar?m ve uygulama esnas?nda, ekip olarak çal??may? ö?renerek, birlikte karar verme becerilerini ve payla??m yeteneklerini geli?tirmi?lerdir. Yap?lan uygulama; iç mimarl?k disiplini içindeki ve d???ndaki ö?rencilere, ö?retim elemanlar?na ve ziyaretçilere örnek te?kil edecek düzeydedir.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Interior Architecture, Experience, Learning, Design, Application


EISSN: 2687-5373


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