

Evaluation of Functional and Aesthetic Qualities of Water Item Use in the Campus Area: Anadolu University Yunus Emre Campus Example

It is known that water, which manifests itself in many different areas of life with different functions, has an important role in space design. The water element has been used for various purposes both indoors and outdoors from past to present. In the historical process, in many civilizations, water has been effective in the space with its aesthetic qualities, symbolic values, ??and meanings as well as meeting different physical needs and actions. The water element, which has varied in functionality and aesthetics, has played an important role in the identity of space. Water is an important component of open spaces. The word “campus” means, an educational institution consisting of institutions and units such as faculties, institutes, schools, etc. which have scientific autonomy and public legal personality, and carry out high-level education, training, scientific research, and publication. The campuses offer both students and instructors a living and activity space; it is a social life center where they can meet all their needs. Although the principles of campus planning and design decisions are the subjects of many researches, it is also important that it bears an appropriate space identity in the city. Eski?ehir is one of the cities with terrestrial climate where Porsuk River passes through and integrated within the city landscape. In this respect, it is seen that the water element takes place in various areas of the campus with different forms and usage forms in the open spaces of Yunus Emre Campus, which is the oldest campus in Eski?ehir province, where water is a very important element in terms of urban aesthetics. The scope of this study is the artificial water elements in the open spaces of the Yunus Emre Campus of Anadolu University, the oldest campus in Eski?ehir, which has an important place in the urban identity of water. The aim of the study; evaluation of the functional and aesthetic qualities of water element used within the campus area. In the study, a literature review was made using the scanning model and a comparison method was used with the data obtained from similar studies. The observations were made by using the opinions of experts in the field. In addition, note-taking and photographing were preferred as a method of recording data. As a result of the study, it has been seen that water is an important urban aesthetic element with its different functional and aesthetic qualities through various water structures on campus and it has given it an identity that is compatible with the urban identity in Eski?ehir. Kampüsler hem ö?renciler hem de e?itmenlere, içerisinde ya?am ve aktivite alan? sunan; onlar?n tüm ihtiyaçlar?n? kar??layabildi?i bir sosyal ya?am merkezidir, yerle?kedir. Kampüs planlamas?n?n ilkeleri ve tasar?m kararlar?, pek çok ara?t?rman?n konusu olmakla birlikte, kente uygun bir mekân kimli?i ta??mas? da önemlidir. Eski?ehir, içerisinden geçen Porsuk Nehri ile ?ehir peyzaj?n?n bütünle?ti?i karasal iklime sahip ?ehirlerden biridir. Bu bak?mdan, kent esteti?i aç?s?ndan suyun çok önemli bir ö?e oldu?u Eski?ehir ilinde yer alan en eski kampüs olan Yunus Emre Kampüsünde de aç?k mekânlarda su ö?esinin farkl? formlarda ve kullan?m biçimleriyle yer ald??? görülmektedir. Bu çal??man?n kapsam? çal??man?n örneklem alan?n? olu?turan, suyun kent kimli?inde önemli bir yeri olan Eski?ehir’deki en eski kampüs olan Anadolu Üniversitesi Yunus Emre Kampüsü'ndeki aç?k mekânlardaki yapay su ö?eleridir. Çal??man?n amac?; kampüs alan? içinde su ö?esi kullan?m?n?n i?levsel ve estetik niteliklerinin de?erlendirilmesidir. Çal??mada tarama modeli kullan?larak konu ile ilgili literatür taramas? yap?lm?? olup, benzer çal??malar neticesinde bulunan veriler ile kar??la?t?rma yöntemi kullan?lm??t?r Ayr?ca, alanda uzman ki?ilerin görü?lerinden faydalan?larak, tespitler yap?lm??, gözlem tekni?i kullan?lm??t?r. Ayr?ca veri toplarken kay?t tutma yöntemi olarak not alma ve foto?raflama tercih edilmi?tir. Çal??man?n sonucunda kampüsteki çe?itli su yap?lar? üzerinden farkl? i?levsel ve estetik nitelikleriyle suyun önemli bir kent esteti?i ö?esi oldu?u, Eski?ehir ilinde ona kent kimli?i ile uyumlu bir kimlik kazand?rd??? görülmü?tür.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Water, Space, Functional, Aesthetic, Campus


EISSN: 2687-5373


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