

Ate? Yan?kl???na Tolerant Ayva Tiplerinin Seleksiyon Islah?: Do?u Marmara Bölgesi

Quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) is a very important fruit species in terms of genetic diversity, production and export parameters for Turkey. The aim of this study was to determine and protect tolerant types to fire blight disease that caused Erwinia amylovora Burrill, which is one of the most important bacterial disease in cultivation, under natural epidemic conditions. In addition to the disease resistance, general, topographic, pomological, morphololic characteristics and 16 characteristics from UPOV, which were selected in terms of usage as variety or rootstock, were examined. Surveys conducted in the Eastern Marmara Region, 3 genotypes, that named locally Bardak, Limon and Ac? quince, from Bursa and 1 genotype from Sakarya were selected as tolerant to fire blight under natural epidemic conditions with two years observations. The disease rate in these genotypes varied between 0-12%. The genotypes have grown predominantly wild or local types in national gardens and all have tree crown shape; semi-upright, leaf blade shape; ovate and fruits have neck. While the distribution of genotypes in terms of fruit color was determined as yellow-green and yellow. Fruit: size of eye basin, stalk cavity fruit shape, leaf blade: angle at apex, shape of base, attitude characteristics showed wide variation. Leaf width, height and petiole length values of the genotypes differed between 5.56-9.10 cm, 5.56-10.86 cm and 10.00-20.40 mm, respectively. The average fruit width and length was found to be 6.25-9.58 cm and 8.20-12.00 cm. Average fruit weight was found to be in the range of 263-510 g. QFBNT16-3 genotype has come to the forefront in terms of fruit characteristics; width, height and average fruit weight and leaf characteristics; width and petiole length. In addition this genoype that selected from Bursa - Keles region, which has the local name “Bardak quince”, resistant to natural fire blight epidemy. In this study, it was determined that most of the quince genotypes distributed in the Eastern Marmara Region showed significant variation in their characteristics and these genotypes, which were determined to be tolerant to naturally occurring fire blight in the field conditions, had the potential to be used as genitors for rootstock and cultivar breeding.

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Keywords: Quince, Cydonia oblonga Mill., Erwinia amylovora Burrill, fire blight, endurance, selection breeding, morphological characteristics, pomological characteristics.

ISSN: 1300-0225

EISSN: 2667-6087

EOI/DOI: 10.18615/anadolu.727173

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