The widespreading of modern wheat cultivars, especially throughout last 50 years in Turkey, have caused to progressively decrease the proportion of landraces in production. However, Turkish wheat landraces have been popular again for production because of new trends in production systems and demands in recent years. Therefore, it will be useful to consider the potential risks and opportunities of wheat production based on landraces instead of modern varieties. In considerations on modern wheat varieties and landraces, it should be avoided from comparison, discussing and approaching making each other useless. The annual production of wheat should not be put at risk, and it should not be forgotten the importance of high yielding modern wheat varieties in providing the food security for increasing population. For this reason, the preferring the landraces instead of modern varieties will be risky in wheat production to be performed in conditions capable of providing the high grain yield. On the contrary, the landraces have the production opportunities and potentials; in low yielding conditions despite the conventional farming system, for situations desiring the high straw yield, in places with high local demands, and especially for organic wheat farming. These opportunities and potentials could be considered in scientific and farmer participatory studies, and it could be provided the economic and sustainable production based on wheat landraces with great importance in terms of breeding.
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Author Name: Asuman KAPLAN EVL?CE; Ayd?n AKKAYA
Keywords: Wheat landraces, grain and straw yields, organic farming, quality
ISSN: 1300-0225
EISSN: 2667-6087
EOI/DOI: 10.18615/anadolu.727249
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