This research was used the algebraic properties of the formal power series (fps) as well as the definition of formal Laurent series (fLs) to understand the deep thoughts of the Lagrange- Burmann Theorem. The aim of this study is using the proof of LagrangeBurmann theory to find the solution to the following problem: Let ???? ? ???? ? 1 3 ???? 3 + 1 5 ???? 5 ? ? … … and ???? ? 2???? 1????? 2 , ???? = ???? [?1] . Prove the functional relation ???????????? = 1 2 ???? . In conclusion, we can prove it by showing that ???? = 1 2 ???????????? .
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Author Name: Rasha Alyousef
Keywords: formal power series (fps), formal Laurent series (fls), Lagrange- Burmann theorem.
ISSN: 2616-9185
EISSN: 2616-9185
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