The aim of this study is to examine whether teachers’ motivation for webbased professional development and their beliefs about web-based teaching di?er according to age, branch, seniority and gender. For this purpose, the study was carried out in a cross-sectional survey model. The research was conducted with the participation of 253 teachers working in state schools a?liated to the Ministry of National Education in Sakarya, Zonguldak and Istanbul in the ?rst period of 2016-2017 academic year. 137 of the teachers and 116 of the women are men. It was developed by Kao, Wu, and Tsai (2011) to measure teachers’ motivation for web-based professional development. The measurement tool adapted to Turkish by Cakir and Horzum (2013) was developed by Yang and Tsai (2008) and Horzum was used to measure their beliefs about web-based teaching. The measurement tools adapted to Turkish by Canan Gu¨ngo¨ren (2012) were used. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the levels of teachers’ beliefs about web-based teaching did not show a signi?cant di?erence according to gender, age, seniority, and branches. In addition, when the motivations of teachers towards web-based professional development did not show a signi?cant di?erence according to their age, seniority, and branches but examined according to their gender, it was seen that the motivation levels of women towards web-based professional development were higher than men.
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Author Name: Rahime KARAVA? , Berru SA?IR , Ay?e KOÇ , Nevzat KUMRU
Keywords: distance education, professional development, web based teaching
EISSN: 2667-8691
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