Similar to the fast-paced contamination of the air we breathe in, the water we
drink and the earth we walk on, the information pollution of our age is surrounding us.
In this presentation, we are giving examples of the info pollution caused by
mistranslations of the Chinese texts to Turkish language. This pollution is mainly
caused by two reasons: 1) Mistranslations from the Western translations of the original texts by translators who don't know Chinese culture 2) Mistranslations caused by the scholars/translators who translate from the original Chinese texts without a sound knowledge of the language. Translators and scholars are unfortunately contributing to
and disseminating the mistranslation pollution in translations of Chinese texts to the
Turkish language.
In 2000, The Turkish Historical Society started a project named: “Translation of
Chinese Texts Related to the Turkish people” and assigned a project leader that seems
to have questionable knowledge of the Chinese language. The book cover of the project
contains an inconceivable mistake in its title: Instead of using the Chinese character “?”, which means “record, document, biography”, the cover had the “ ?”character, which means a “brick”. Sadly, a professor made this mistake
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Author Name: Bülent Okay
Keywords: China, Chinese, Translation, Turkish History, Turkish Culture, Chinese Culture
EISSN: 2687-5586
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