The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement in learning outcomes of class X students in East Halmahera 9 High School on the redox reaction topic by using natural product practicum methods in chemistry learning. This research is a pre-experimental study with a One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population and sample are taken all students of class X with a total number of students of 20 people. The collected data is processed from the results of the pretest-posttest. Data were analyzed using the formula t-test the research hypothesis and obtained tcount> t table (19.49> 2.10). The results show that the average posttest value was greater than the average value of the pretest, so it can be concluded that student learning outcomes provided with natural product practicum methods influence student learning outcomes.
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Author Name: Loriana Tiak, Djefri Tani, Joice Dorsila Susana Caroles
Keywords: Learning Outcaomes, Practicum on Natural Product, Redox
EISSN: 2686-4649
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