

Wireless LAN and Network Technology

— Now that the 802.11 standard is totally here, it will energize the wireless LAN market and result in the proliferation of less-cost wireless connectivity in the office and home. For the configuration with ATM infrastructure, a shared ATM switched backbone is proposed, which enables a smart ATM switching element to be embedded in all wireless and fixed access point. For bandwidth efficiency and ease of operation (place-and-play).

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: — Now that the 802.11 standard is totally here, it will energize the wireless LAN market and result in the proliferation of less-cost wireless connectivity in the office and home. For the configuration with ATM infrastructure, a shared ATM switched backbone is proposed, which enables a smart ATM switching element to be embedded in all wireless and fixed access point. For bandwidth efficiency and ease of operation (place-and-play).

ISSN: 2394-7179

EISSN: 2394-7187


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