

Expected Protective Effect of Lactoferrin and / or Insulin Administration on Motor Nerve Conduction Velocity in Diabetic Rats

The present study was aimed to clarify the consequences of exogenous administration of bovine lactoferrin and / or insulin on motor nerve conduction velocity in experimentally induced diabetic male rats. Fifty male rats (200±20 g) were used.Diabetes was elicited by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. Rats having blood sugar level exceeding 300 mg/dl were thought of as diabetic rats.Experimental rats were divided into five groups,control (non-diabetic),and four diabetic rat groups as diabetic (non-treated),insulin-treated, lactoferrin-treated,and insulin+lactoferrin-treated groups.Individual fast blood sugar level was measured for all rats at one month interval/3 months. At the end of experiment, dissection of sciatic nerve - gastrocnemius muscle unite preparation was performed and the motor nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test was done for 5 rats / group. Data analysis disclosed elevated blood sugar level everywhere the experimental periods in untreated rats. Glucose level in rats treated with insuline alone or combined with lactoferrin was considerably diminished. treatment with Lactoferrin alone was clearly having a hypoglycaemic impact , though it didn't returne the level to its control or rats treated with insuline alone. NCV was considerably diminished in untreated diabetic rats. In rats treated with insuline alone or combined with lactoferrin, NCV was considerably redoubled. Treatment with lactoferrin alone was related to an improvement in NCV, though it had been insignificant. Notably, combination treatment was related to a pronounced increase for the NCV as compared with those treated with either insuline or lactoferrin alone. In conclusion , lactoferrin administration in diabetic rats combined with insuline treatement was related to an improvement in nerve perform , lactoferrin combined with insuline improved considerably the delay in nerve conduction

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Diabetes , insulin , Lactoferrin , nerve conduction velocity


EISSN: E-ISSN: 2249-1929

EOI/DOI: [DOI: 10.24214/jcbps.B.9.1.034

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