The Theory of Sense (fr. la Théorie du Sens) which has an important place in French translation studies was propounded by Danica Seleskovitch and Marianne Lederer in the early 1990s. Looking at the processes of translation from the perspective of a translator, this theory can be applied, depending on the cognitive inputs of the translator. Describing and classifying these processes as stages, the Theory of Sense necessitates a target-oriented approach on the basis of signifier, and a source-oriented approach in terms of the meaning of the source text, or
what the source text tries to deliver. The aim of the approach that prioritizes the sense of the source text is to provide what the source text wants to express and the message it delivers in the same or closest way for the target text and culture. In order to achieve this, the translator goes through three stages in the process of translation, such as the understanding of the source text, de-verbalization and re-verbalization. The translator who fully comprehends the source text and depends stylistically on its words, transmitting it into expressions of the target language,
produces the target text with proper equivalences. So, the translator recreates the sense, function, and, most importantly, effect of the source text in the target text on the target audience. This process can also work in literary texts. The approach of word-for-word translation, in some cases, may not convey the intended message of the source text, and might not create the effect in the target text because these texts are constituted by the impact of extralinguistic elements, such as context and socio-cultural factors. So as to overcome such problems, the translator can experience the stages found in the Theory of Sense, and create a
more acceptable and desirable target text. In this study, we will examine how the stages of the Theory of Sense are reflected in the selected Turkish examples from the French play, Les Fausses Confidences(The False Confidences) by Pierre C. de Chamblain de Marivaux, which has a great place in 18 century French literature
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Author Name: Serhan D?NDAR
Keywords: Translation studies, Theory of Sense, drama translation, Marivaux, The False Confidences.
ISSN: 2687-5586
EISSN: 2687-5586
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