

Environmental Education as a Tool for Sustainable Development: Case study of Lekki-Lagos

The study examines the strength of environmental education in Lekki-Lagos and its impact on community and grass-root development by considering a targeted sample population comprising some respondents that are living or working in Lekki community in Lagos. A qualitative survey was conducted using participatory observation, interviews, and a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated through peer review and pilot testing. Data collected were summarized and computed using descriptive statistics while a paired t-test and Turkey’s HSD test were used for further analysis. Results showed that 92% of the respondents affirmed that environmental education impacted positively on the community attracting the government, non-governmental and private organizations to help in developing the area through construction of roads, pedestrian bridges, drainages and sea embankments thus reducing flooding, man hour loss due to traffic jam and rate of pollution. There was also a decrease in loss of lives and properties. Investors were attracted to Lekki, reducing poverty and social imbalance thus increasing community development. There is a significant difference between the state of Lekki now and before the intervention of public-private practice in developing the area (P< 0.05). It is recommended that the government and other stakeholders should collaborate on a higher scale to enhance developing the unreached communities.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Environmental education, community development, grass-root, stakeholders, embankments, non-governmental organizations

ISSN: 2734-259X

EISSN: 2734-2603

EOI/DOI: 10.36263/nijest.2017.01.0006

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