

PEMBENTUKAN KELAS IBU HAMIL WILAYAH PESISIR DESA LORULUN KECAMATAN WERTAMRIAN KABUPATEN MALUKU TENGGARA BARAT The Establishment of a Pregnant Mother Class at the Coastal Area of Lorulun Village, Maluku Tenggara Barat Regency

Mother and Child health education in general is still mostly done through individual or case-by-case consultations given when the mother checks the womb or during the posyandu activities. Counseling given is not coordinated so that the knowledge given to mothers is only the knowledge possessed by officers only. To overcome these weaknesses, a method of learning for pregnant mothers is carried out using the MCH Handbook and class turning sheets of pregnant women in the form of face-to-face meetings in groups followed by discussion and exchange of experiences between pregnant women and health workers. As planned, identification has been carried out for pregnant women with gestational ages 8 weeks to 36 weeks of 11 pregnant women. The meeting was held at Lorulun Village Hall. The results are a) A class of pregnant women is formed in Lorulun Village with 11 participants, between 8 weeks and 36 weeks of pregnancy, b) 11 pregnant women in Lorulun village have a MCH book, c) Based on pre-test average results is 47% and the average post-test result is 82%, and d) A total of 5 pregnant women aged 20 weeks to 36 weeks who carry out puerperal exercises, while 6 pregnant women do not carry out pregnancy exercises because the gestational age is below 20 weeks .

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Keywords: Pregnant mother class, coastal area

ISSN: 2723-3677

EISSN: 2723-3677


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