Strong convergence of an iteration scheme for approximat-ing the common elements of the set of solutionsEP(F)of an equilib-rium problem for a bifunctionFand the set of fixed pointsF(T)of amulti-valued (or single-valued) hemicontractive mappingTis estab-lished in a real Hilbert spaceH. This work contributes to the study onthe applicability and computability of iteration schemes for approxi-mating the solutions of equilibrium problems for bifunctions involvingthe construction of the sequence{Kn}?n=1of closed convex subsets ofHfrom an arbitraryx0?Hand the sequence{xn}?n=1of the metricprojections ofx0intoKn. The results obtained extend and improvemany results in this direction in the contemporary literature
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Author Name: Felicia. O. Isiogugu
Keywords: Hilbert spaces, strong convergence, equilibrium problem,order inclusion transitive, resolvent, bifunction, hemicontractive map-ping
ISSN: 2645-2448
EISSN: 2705-2397
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