Mapping of landslide hazard in North Sumatera is very important to identify the areas potential. In this study we try to predict and mapping of landslide hazard in North Sumatera using scoring and GIS. Compare to the ground movement vulnerability and rainfall series, the areas with steep topography have landslide hazard forecasts, which are dominated by zones with medium hazard forecasts. High-level landslide hazard forecast maps are in the areas of South Tapanuli, Mandailing Natal, Humbang Hasundutan, Central Tapanuli, North Tapanuli, South Nias, West Nias, Padang Lawas, Toba Samosir, Langkat, Samosir, Pakpak Bharat, and Karo districts.
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Author Name: Teguh Rahayu, Albertus Tua Simanullang, Wisnu Wardono, Yosvin Apriando, Patra Mesiari Tarigan, Eva Darnila, Marzuki Sinambela
Keywords: Landslide, hazard, prediction, mapping, GIS.
ISSN: 2302-9692
EISSN: 2723-8695
EOI/DOI: 10.24224/login.v14i1.8
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