Regionalism is a complex and multi-dimensional conception of social science. It basically is not only a universal phenomenon rather a micro view of nationalism too. It indeed tends to assume a decisive role in the operational sphere of multi – ethnic, societies especially in developing reigns of the world. This study offers theoretical debates of and about regionalism in the context of political scenario developed with the passage of time with special reference to the politics of Multan region. The region under consideration had a separate political and administrative identity as a state, as a province and as an administrative unit since the time of Alexander the great i.e. 32 BC till the inception of Pakistan in 1947.The study examines attributes, elements and varying aspects of regionalism. Different theories like functionalism, neo-functionalism, realism and neo-realism are discussed in the context of regionalism. The article engulfed the conditions under which regionalism flourishes in different countries of the world and applies them to the case of Pakistan in general and that of Multan in particular. After independence the people of this region hoped that the new state would restore its old historic position, but different policies and events eventually pushed the historic region of Multan towards tendency of the regionalism. The article also addresses political aspirations of the people for their common cause and it effects on local and national politicians in the context of regionalism.
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Author Name: Sajid Mahmood Awan
Keywords: Regionalism, Multan, Politics, Ethnicity, Provincialism.
ISSN: 2074-2061
EISSN: 2074-2061
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