Scientific researches and innovations have been the stepping stone for development of the world. It is then very important to engage in research today, especially for developing countries. Plants have been instrumental in the hands of scientific researchers today and used to improve the health systems of the world. Thus, the purpose of this review is to explore the medicinal potentials of the commonly known Waterleaf (Talinum trianguare), which has been extensively used in local communities in Nigeria and beyond, to treat/manage various human ailments which include regulation of blood sugar level, dropsy, oedema and body weight management, as well as for food and feed. This research will help to promote the utilization and cultivation of Waterleaf by the public, and as well serve as a vital tool on which further researches can be based upon and used to explore the different parts of the plant.
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Author Name: Yilni Edward Bioltif & Naanma Bioltif Edward
Keywords: Biological, Ethnobotanical, Medicinal, Potential, Talinum triangulare.
ISSN: 2581-5059
EISSN: 2581-5059
EOI/DOI: 10.46382/MJBAS.2020.4201
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