The Turkish clans, having spread a large geography, have a very effective epic tradition. While
some of the epics that the number of which has not been axactly determined yet are known
and narrated in one or some of Turkish clans, among these very few of them are known in all
Turkish communities. While only some part of these narrations are living in oral tradition,
some of them are expressed in writing and the other ones reach to the present both in oral
and in writing. The Epic of Köro?lu is an epic which is known and narrated in all Turkish
clans. As a result of folk science and political actions in Scandinavian countries such as
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland, the Theory of Historical-Geographical Finn
emerges. On the basis of theory lays to reach obvious results by comparing narration of folk
knowledge and folk literature. The theory with its origin purposes to determine when and
where the oral folk creations are created and what its the first possible form is. The first
example which provides expanding Historical-Geographical Finn Theory and structural
analyzing of folk narration emerges as “Epic Laws Theory” by Danish folk scientist Axel Olric.
Axel Olric states that the rules in folk narration are super organic. These rules are
indispensable part of the culture when a bord or epic poet starts to narrate, he follows these
laws without realization. The theory of Axel Olric shows that there are obvious basic
structures in folk narration. The epic rules of folk narration are applied to different kinds of
narration by the researchers. In this article, the epic rules which Axel Olric have created with
the inspiration of folk narration are put into practise in the film of Köro?lu in which Cüneyt
Ark?n and Fatma Girik are taking part in leading roles, and the film under consideration, is
tried to be evaluated with its both obeying and non obeying aspects to these laws. At the end of the study, It has been seen that the film of Köro?lu included all the epic laws of folk narratives of A. Olric.
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Author Name: Mehmet Emin BARS
Keywords: Axel Olric, epics laws, Köro?lu, film
ISSN: 0000-0000
EISSN: 2198-4999
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