People use different ways to transfer some mental activities they have in their world of
thoughts to real life. The transfer of thoughts to real life happens in many forms; such as
language as a communicative tool, writing which is a concrete form of verbal expression and
body language. Writing, particularly graffiti has a vital role in the expression of feelings.
Graffiti on modern world provide people with opportunity to express their love, political
opinions they defend, parties they make propoganda for and to make advertisment for the
products and services they want to sell. Parallel with the usage of graffiti in this way in
modern world, there are some cases when poets write poems on wall, as well. In this paper,
we will focus on the influence of a poem on the wall cited in the tezkire of Ashik Chalabi on
the biography of two poets in the tezkire of Hasan Chalabi. Then, it will be mentioned about
the writings of Evliya Chalabi which he wrote on walls and tree trunks specifying the date and
the poems which Faruk Nafiz Çamlibel came across on the wall of a public house during his
trip. To give example, it is benefitted from the poets' biographies written by Ashik Chalabi
and Hasan Chalabi, the writings of Evliya Chalabi he wrote on mosques' wall and tree trunks
in the cities he visited and poem Han Duvarlar? of Faruk Nafiz Çamlibel.
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Author Name: Mehmet Nuri ÇINARCI
Keywords: Wall writings, wall poems, Ashik Chalabi, Faruk Nafiz
ISSN: 0000-0000
EISSN: 2198-4999
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