Istihdam which took its place among the meaning arts as a elequence term is one of the arts
that is discussed rarely and in a different shape in eloquence books. Istihdam which is lost
among meaning arts as pun, connotation, müsakhele, tavcih, mugâlata-i maneviyye and cinâs-
? manevî could sometimes be used instead of these arts. In the art, beside being used different
words in the same phrase for a word with two meanings; there’s imlied a meaning with itself
and the other meaning with its pronoun or there’s explained different meanings with each
both pronouns.In the art, other words are served to an ambiguous word and words which are
convenient to the meanings are selected. This one of the literary art which is based on word
repeatings, did not take its place among many rhetoric books, and it is given in a different
shape in some rhetoric books. Some arts like tevriye, musakhele and tavcih which are about
some words that has many meanings, took their place in an unity in rhetoric books but
istihdam took its place in a few books because this art is not accepted as a fundamental art.
There’s no unity about this subject among books and while not placing in one of the first
rhetoric book Miftâhu’l-ulûm ,it’s placed in detailed explainer Kazvinî’s el-Îzâh. In rhetoric
books after Tanzimat, its placed in some books and there’s mentioned as an another name of
another art. In this article, this art is researched from rhetoric books and put forth in a
comparative way.
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Author Name: Muhittin EL?AÇIK
Keywords: Rhetoric, literary art, istihdam, classify, description.
ISSN: 0000-0000
EISSN: 2198-4999
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