

Effect Of Ramadan Fasting On Renal Function Markers In Healthy Adults From Aurangabad.

Background:Ramadan fasting is a religious obligation followed by Muslims worldwide. No intake of food and water from sunrise to sunset often results in changed hydration status. Generally there is belief of renal dysfunction due to dehydration during Ramadan fasting. However, there is scarcity of scientific literature regarding its effects on renal function in healthy individuals. This study was aimed to evaluate alterations in renal functions due to long intermittent fasting schedule in the holy month of Ramadan. Material and Methods: Thirty three normal healthy volunteers (age group 23-52 years) from the same large joint family were enrolled in this study. Blood and urine samples were collected twice: first, one day before Ramadan after a 12-hour overnight fast (baseline) and second on the 28th day of Ramadan. Blood samples were assayed for urea, creatinine and uric acid levels and urine for microalbuminurea. Results and discussion: Mean age of the subjects was 43.8±5.4 years. There were slight but nonsignificant reductions in blood urea, serum creatinine, uric acid levels and microalbuminurea of the participants (p> 0.05) from pre Ramadan to post Ramadan state. Our study findings revealed no significant impact of long intermittent fast of Ramadan on renal function markers. Mean difference between pre Ramadan and post Ramadan values of blood urea was 2.4 mg%, serum creatinine was 0.2 mg%, uric acid 0.6 mg% and microalbuminurea 3 mg/dl which are statistically not significant. Conclusion: Among healthy individuals renal functions are not altered due to Ramadan fasting.

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Keywords: Ramadan fast, urea, creatinine, uric acid,

ISSN: 2349-2910


EOI/DOI: August 2014

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