The economic situation that is increasingly not conducive due to the Covid-19 pandemic must be addressed by the affected business actors. Belitung Regency is a Special Economic Zone (KEK) for Tourism, which is currently developing in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. In the development of SEZs, the role of tourism business actors is very important in meeting the needs of tourists, with various creativities and innovations from these business actors. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach, the number of respondents was 100 business actors through distributing questionnaires and direct interviews to tourism business actors. The results showed the characteristics of tourism business actors were dominated by high school education level, the average business actor was married, the majority of the business type was culinary. Marketing is done online,
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Author Name: Devi Valeriani, Dian Prihardini Wibawa, Rendi
Keywords: Covid 19, Business Actors in Tourism, Education, Status and Type of Business
ISSN: 2644-0679
EISSN: 2644-0695
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