This paper addresses the problem of the use of prohibited steroids, used by some
athletes to increase their performance. The legal framework of the Republic of Moldova and the
international normative documents (WADA) were analyzed, defining the role of anti-doping
measures, the information and education programs of the young athlete generation. The
pedagogical and organizational aspects of the process of combating doping in sports were
determined. There were also revealed some anti-doping activities, recommended for application in
the system of children physical education and sports, as well as those for the youth from higher
education of physical education and sports.
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Author Name: Triboi Vasile, Nastas Natalia
Keywords: pharmacology, load, anti-doping, anabolic steroids, recovery, disqualification, sanctions, state program
ISSN: 1857-4114
EISSN: 2537-6438
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