Throughout this research, it has been pursued the process of studying and creating
training programs of the performance swimmers during the basic macrocycle of the annual training
cycle, where the emphasis was placed on the development of certain characteristics, which had led
the swimmers to the greatest results at the most important competitions. The planning consisted of a
periodization of the preparation stages and sub-stages known as macrocycles, mesocycles and
microcycles. Within the training of the swimmers during the macrocycle, different training methods
were used: force, power, mobility, endurance, speed, technique exercises, starts and turns, rhythm
training, training for the competition tactic, psychological training. All the training methods listed
above should be included in the content of all stages of preparation, with a different emphasis,
depending on the training period. During the general resistance period of the macrocycle, the
emphasis was put on improving the overall aerobic capacity, strength, mobility, strokes technique,
starts and turns, and on improving the resistance to psychological stress. The trainings during this
period were mainly composed of technical exercises, swimming with emphasis on arms and legs at
a basic resistance intensity. The exercises on mobility were performed daily, focusing on the ankle,
back and shoulder joints. Within the specific resistance period maximum values were reached.
During the mentioned period, a large part of the resistance training was performed with the basic
stroke, about 55-65%. Regarding training on the ground, the emphasis was placed on rapid
repetitions in order to develop muscle strength, and the exercises on mobility were continued.
During the competition period the most important competitions were scheduled, the focus of the
training, being passed from the resistance to the sprint for all the swimmers, except the stayers. The
narrowing period or the final period was planned from seven three-day microcycles, representing a
period with a low volume and intensity. During this period, the swimmers competed in various
international competitions in order to fulfill the scales of participation in the Olympic Games
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Author Name: Solonenco Grigore, Stepanova Natalia, Onoi Mihail, Dorgan Viorel
Keywords: macrocycle, mesocycle, microcycle, force, endurance, speed, performance swimmers, training programs
ISSN: 1857-4114
EISSN: 2537-6438
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