Slow learner is a term that is used to define students with low average Intelligence Quotient level. These students
are not disabled but, learn in a different way and most of the time the learning process takes longer than an average
student. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the slow learners’ main needs of improving the Englishspeaking ability at Luis Vargas Torres University Esmeraldas. A descriptive, qualitative-quantitative investigation
was carried out with the use of the methods of Analysis and Synthesis, Hermeneutics, using the techniques of
observation and survey, which were applied to 120 students and 10 teachers of English. The data obtained from the
observations were analyzed to determine what strategies students and teachers use to develop the ability of speaking
in the English classes at Luis Vargas Torres University. After the observation process, it was identified that
students do not consider themselves competent in the ability of speaking. The results also revealed an agreement
between students and teachers about the need for pair work for practicing speaking, since students do not like to
work by themselves. Both students and teachers stated that working with somebody else the speaking ability gives
them confidence and security of a better performance. This coincides with the results of previous studies about the
characteristics of slow learners like demotivation, shyness, strong lack of vocabulary and a low self-esteem. It is
concluded that teachers need to be more patient with slow learners; they should also keep in mind that slow learners
do learn, just in a different fashion. For that reason, a variety of strategies should be used to achieve the goal.
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Author Name: Carla and Rebeca
Keywords: Slow Learner, Average Student, Speaking Ability, Disabled, Intelligence Quotient Level
ISSN: 2456-8104
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