

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teach English for Business Purposes

To design of a syllabus for teaching English for Business Purposes using an Interdisciplinary Approach for Specific Purposes a descriptive, qualitative investigation was done, with the use of methods such as analysis, synthesis and hermeneutics and not less important the technique The techniques used were: Documentary review to teach English for Business Purposes (EBP) and Previous investigation done by the author in which15 students of the last semester and professionals were included in a previous investigation to develop a Book for Business English which is the correspondent material to develop the syllabus. To collect the data, the instrument designed was a guide for documentary review and the Book EBP by Muñoz (2018).The information obtain from the application of documentary review was tabulated manually. The data were taken to figures and tables using the Microsoft Excel program. The results obtained that the students did not have knowledge of terminology, specific phrases, vocabulary and communicative functions which is caused by the lack of resources, materials and also the lack of knowledge of ESPB at the university that coincides with previous studies about the creation of the importance of have a Business Book and a syllabus developed for students in order to achieve the process of English of Business. It is concluded that the creation of a syllabus will increase the process to develop a future investigation in which it can be apply in a course.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: English for Business Purposes, English for Specific Purposes, Interdisciplinary Approach

ISSN: 2456-8104



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