

Intensive Revision Stage as Stimulus for Achieving Successful Writing in ELT Contexts

The field of education succeeds because many ideas are written down for reference. The written works are realised thanks to the act of writing. A variety of approaches that are adapted by leaders put in place to meet up with educational demands and successes are achieved through the act of writing. Since such contributions and innovations in education are achieved mostly through writing, there is some need to look for possible ways to improve on writing in the English Language Teaching contexts. One of such ways is taking advantage of the intensive revision stage of writing as the basis for successful writing. In order for any written proposals to be understood and adopted, they ought to be written in a precise and concise manner. This shows that writing is a productive skill and therefore needs close attention at every point in time. No doubt, a majority of the students I have taught have admitted the fact that writing is the most difficult skill comparatively to other language skills such as listening, speaking and reading. This article suggests a possible way of achieving successful writing at the basic, secondary and tertiary levels

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Keywords: Successful Writing, ELT Contexts, Language Skills, Intensive Revision Stage

ISSN: 2456-8104



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