

Strategic Analysis of Neighborhood Center Role in Sustainable Rural Tourism Development: A Case Study of Mianraz Village in Fuman County of Iran

The kind of architecture of neighborhood center in historical villages can attract tourists to the prosperity of rural economy and provide the areas of development. Recently, strategic planning has also been emphasized in the role of local neighborhoods as the main focus of development. This study aimed at investigating the role of the neighborhood center of Mianraz village in Fuman County of Iran in promoting the rural tourism. There were posed three questions: What are the characteristics of a rural sustainable tourism? How will the development of sustainable tourism be effective in the sustainable rural tourism? What are the capacities of the rural tourism in sustainable tourism? The research method was an applied one; and based on its nature, it was a descriptive-analytical study. The data were collected in library and field study methods through interviews and questionnaires, and the data analysis was based on SWOT and AHP techniques. In the final assessment, the total score of the internal factors indicated that the strengths were greater than the weaknesses; in addition, the total score of the external factors indicated the more effectiveness of the neighborhood development opportunities, compared to the threats. The study results showed the significant role of the community in the development of tourism through economic development, population participation, increased social welfare, feeling of security and promotion of educational and environmental issues that would be realized by balancing the biological, social and economic dimensions. To achieve this, adopting an aggressive strategy, strengthening and maintaining the strengths and benefiting from the available opportunities, such as expanding the service units, improving the residential units and enhancing the quality of riding paths, might guarantee the development of neighborhood centers in the villages.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Sustainable Tourism, Neighborhood Center, SWOT, Mianraz, Fuman

ISSN: 1563-3322

EISSN: 2645-6486

EOI/DOI: 10.30490/RVT.2020.253848.0

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