A variety of instruments are available for the extirpation of the pulp and the
instrumentation and preparation of the root canal. Recently, nickel-titanium
(NiTi) alloy is utilised for the manufacturing of endodontic instruments. Compared
to other metals, these alloys are highly flexible, which significantly enhances
ease of canal shaping. This review article gives an account in the advances of
NiTi endodontic instruments with an emphasis on metallurgical, mechanical
properties, the design features of each generation with a special focus on the
latest generations of NiTi instruments.
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Author Name: Aparna Palekar, Akhilesh Vajpayee, Basawaraj Biradar
Keywords: Nickel-Titanium, Heat-Treatment, M-Wire, R-Phase, Control Memory
EISSN: 2582-2209
EOI/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.37983/IJD
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