

Keong Mangrove Cassidula angulifera (Gastropoda: Ellobiidae) di Pantai Payum Merauke Papua Indonesia: Struktur Populasi, Karakteristik Lingkungan dan Faktor Penentu Distribusi serta Kepadatannya

Coastal ecosystems have high biodiversity, where Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest diversity of marine organisms in the world, so the study of mangrove snails Cassidula angulifera (Gastropoda: Ellobiidae) has been conducted in September 2020 on the beach Payum Merauke Regency Papua Province with the aim as a basic data in mangrove management in Indonesia, especially in Merauke Regency which is reviewed from population structure, environmental characteristics and determining factors of distribution and density of mangrove snail C. angulifera. Data of mangrove conch C. angulifera and mangrove forest Payum Merauke beach collected by making transect lines and plots drawn from the reference point (outer mangrove stand) and perpendicular to the shoreline to the mainland. Furthermore, to find out the environmental and factors that determine the distribution and density of mangrove snails C. angulifera on the beach Payum Merauke Regency of Papua Province analyzed using PCA. The results showed that for the population structure, the highest density of mangrove snail C. angulifera is at Station 2 (40.67 ind/m2 ), while the lowest is at Station 3 (5 ind/ m 2 ), then the distribution pattern is classified as uniform (Iδ < 1). For environmental characteristics of mangrove snail C. angulifera on the beach Payum Merauke Regency of Papua Province shows that the density of mangroves is classified as high (> 1000 ind/ha), the water temperature ranges from 28.33 - 31.67°C, DO 5.60 – 7.67 mg/L, pH 6.83 – 7.53, salinity 29.33 – 30.00‰, and form two groups. As for the determining factor of distribution and density of mangrove snails C. angulifera on the beach Payum Merauke Regency of Papua Province is influenced by water temperature, DO, and mangrove density.

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Keywords: keong, gastropoda, mangrove, Cassidula angulifera, pantai Payum, Merauke

ISSN: 0854-4425

EISSN: 2338-834X

EOI/DOI: 10.47349/jbi/17012021/47

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