

Frequency Of Post-operative Hypocalcaemia Following Thyroid Surgery At ATertiary Care Hospital Of Sindh

Objective: The present study was conducted to determine the frequency of post-operative hypocalcaemia followingthyroid surgery at a tertiary care hospital of SindhStudy design: Observational studyPlace and Duration: Department of surgery, Isra University Hospital from December 2014 to July 2017.Materials and Methods: 100 cases of thyroid swellings were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria.Pre- operative patient history, physical examination, thyroid gland examination and laboratory investigations wereperformed. A serum calcium levels <8 mg/dl was taken as hypocalcemia. Data was analyzed on SPSS 21 version andP value (P< 0.05) was considered significant.Results: Of 100 patients, 67% were female and 33% were male (P=0.0001). Female dominancy was noted with femaleto male ratio of 2.03:1. Age (mean± SD) was noted as 37.5 ± 9.5 years (19 – 48 years). Frequency of symptomatichypocalcaemia was noted in 23% subjects post operatively. Mean± SD serum calcium and phosphate in post operativehypocalcemia subjects was noted as 7.31 ± 0.38 mg/dl and 2.95 ± 0.63 mg/dl respectively. Majority of symptomatichypocalcemia were noted within 72 hours post operatively.Conclusion: The present study reports 23% frequency of post thyroidectomy hypocalcemia noted within 72 hourspost operatively. Goiters of long duration, recurrent goiters, hyperthyroidism and goiters with retro sternal extensionswere found risk factors for the post thyroidectomy hypocalcemia.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Hypocalcemia, Phosphate,Post operative complications, Thyroid surgery

ISSN: 2220-7562

EISSN: 2617-9482


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