The implementation of QR codes in education has become increasingly popular recently, and quite a number of studies in this area are available. Numerous studies have been carried out on the use of QR codes in the teaching and learning process. In relation to such research, this critical review aims to examine the potential of integrating QR codes in teaching and learning pronunciation. Given that no previous study on integrating QR codes to teach and learn pronunciation has been carried out, the articles were chosen on the basis of two main themes, namely, the potential use of QR codes in language teaching and the implementation of technology-based methods in teaching and learning pronunciation. After filtering past studies, 20 relevant articles published between 2011 and 2020 were identified and analysed. The findings were presented from these aspects: (a) the integration of QR codes in language teaching, (b) the perspectives of users towards the integration of QR codes, (c) the implementation of technology-based methods in teaching and learning pronunciation and (d) the impacts of implementing technology-based methods in teaching and learning pronunciation. The review revealed that QR codes have the potential to be integrated in teaching and learning pronunciation because of their positive impacts on the teaching and learning process. This review also delivers some suggestions for further research in the use of QR codes in teaching and learning pronunciation.
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Author Name: Chee Kar Mei, Kim Hua Tan
Keywords: ESL; QR codes; pronunciation; technology-based; education
EISSN: 2785-9118
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