

Pre-analytical Errors and Rejection Criteria for Blood Samples in Hematology Laboratory

Pre-analytical errors are the most common types of errors occurring in hematology procedures. These type of errors accounts up to 70% errors of hematology laboratory. Most of the pre-analytical errors occur during sample collection, sample preparation, preparation of patient, sample transportation and storage. However, blood samples are collected and processed in hematology laboratory for various types of tests. Incorrectly collected blood samples are unable for further analysis in hematology laboratory. Each laboratory has developed standard criteria for processing of blood samples. Most of the blood samples are rejected by laboratory due to un-labeling, mislabeling, incorrect container, insufficient volume, incorrect use of preservative, improper storage conditions, clotted, leaked, lipemic, hemolysed and contaminated samples with other fluids. Adaptation of quality control measures not only in analytical procedures is critical but there is a need to provide attention at pre analytical and post analytical phases to ensure the patient interest and to provide quality services for future.

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Keywords: Pre-analytical errors, Rejection Criteria, Blood, Hematology laboratory, Pre-analytical errors , Rejection Criteria , Blood


EISSN: 2757-5659


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