

Research Paper on Student Information System

With the help of Student Information System (SIS), student information can be stored and maintenance can be done. It is useful for educational institutions to maintain the records of students. The storage and management of information regarding a students’ academics is crucial in any institution. This system can be useful for all types of details, academic reports, institutional details, curriculum, and other resource as well. Student Information System software is very essential nowadays for all the educational institutions to store the information of students. For storing the student data, the institutions are spending a lot of money on paper, files, and other stationary stuffs including pens/pencil etc or some institutions are purchasing expensive systems to do this stuff. But here we are just creating software for the similar work it can save a lot of expenditure of an institution and also it will save use of papers which is ultimately beneficial for our environment also. This system is very useful to sort and search student records because sorting and searching in file system is time consuming also difficult to conduct manually. This software was developed in such a way that it remains to be user centric and easily understandable and usable by the user. The software is fully functional and tested over several testing techniques available and the software is functioning smoothly.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Admin Login, Student Login, Add Student, View Student, Registration, Update Profile


EISSN: 2249-8958

EOI/DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.D2422.0410421

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