In this article the authors describe data from an ethnographical study about the playing of Uril, a mancala-type game played in the island of São Vicente, Cape Verde. They interpret observed game strategies as theorems-in-actions, constructed socially and throughout a long period of time, influenced by socially shared norms and beliefs, as well as by knowledge construction at the individual level. The authors also use knowledge obtained from a computer-generated database to explore a sequence of game moves observed ethnographically, verifying its robustness and the necessary conditions that make it a winning strategy. The authors use evidence from ethnographical data to argue that those necessary conditions are tacitly assumed by the players observed.
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Author Name: Ana Lúcia Braz Dias; Juliana Braz Dias
Keywords: Ethnomathematics, Sowing games, Theorems-in-action, Capeverdean culture.
ISSN: 2675-5246
EISSN: 2675-5246
EOI/DOI: 10.47207/rbem.v1i0.9237
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