

The Conceptual Analysis of Gender Mainstreaming in the Context of International Human Rights Law

The purpose of gender mainstreaming in the field of human rights in the United Nations is to draw attention to the differences between men and women in the enjoyment of human rights and to show that some violations of rights particularly affect only women. Some of these violations are applied to women due to their gender (female child murder, female genital mutilation, forced marriages, gender violence, etc.) and reflect the patriarchal organization of the society in which men dominate women. However, despite this recognition, the application of gender mainstreaming to international human rights law remains sadly inadequate today. The biggest advantage of gender mainstreaming is that the ultimate goal of gender equality can be included in the mainstream political agenda and thus spread across all social spheres. In this study, it is aimed to draw the conceptual framework of the problematic meanings of the terms sex and gender in a global sense. In addition, the contributions and limits of human rights to achieve gender equality, which is the ultimate goal of gender mainstreaming, which has developed as a strategy within the UN system, will be analysed.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: sex, gender, gender mainstreaming, international human rights law


EISSN: 2718-1081


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